Excessive sweating treatment also known as hyperhidrosis

Treatments for excessive sweating



​​- What is it

Botox works by blocking the nerves responsible for activating your sweat glands. Normally, your nervous system activates your sweat glands when your body temperature rises. This is how your body automatically cools itself. In people with hyperhidrosis, however, the nerves that signal the sweat glands are overactive.

​​- Why Luisa recommends it

Apart from disrupting normal daily activities, hyperhydrosis can cause embarrassment and social anxiety.   Fortunately, several options are available to treat hyperhydrosis. We find botox works really well as it stops the problem at the cause and is really quick acting and effective,, we have many satisfied patients. 

​​- Who is using it (celebs!)

Chrissy Teigan famously documented her underarm botox treatment on instgram.  “Botoxed my armpits. Truly the best move I have ever made,”

Its also a really popular treatment with brides and grooms to be so they can stay cool on the big day.  Also people with stressful jobs and popular amongst some of the North Easts top athletes and sports people.


​​- Who is it for ie. skin types etc

It’s for all skin types but especially for people who suffer with excessive sweating where it maybe affecting their daily life, job etc.

​​- What happens during the treatment

During the treatment we will numb the area before injecting micro amounts of botulinum toxin to the affected area.

​​- How long for the treatment to take effect

As with most botox treatments the results can be seen in a few days with the full effects after 2-3 weeks. 

​​- How long will results last for

This is a very effective treatment and results can last anywhere between 4-9 months usually. 

​​- How many/often sessions are recommended

Only one session is needed and 

​​- How to book ie. do you need a consultation etc.

As with all our prescription treatments you will need to have a consultation with our nurse Luisa. 





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