
Autumn has well and truly arrived…

which although is nice to hunker down, get cosy and excited for the festive season, also brings with it the sniffles, coughs and other undesirable viruses that typically occur around this time of the year.  

As the nights are getting darker, the days getting shorter and the temperature beginning to drop, it’s not unusual that you might be feeling a drop in your energy levels and less than your best due to the lack of exposure to essential vitamins that you need to see you through.

If you’re keen to protect yourselves this winter, now is the perfect time to book in at our B12 bar to give your immune system a seasonal boost with our vitamin IV infusions and boosters.

What are vitamin IV infusions?

Vitamin IV infusions are a safe and effective way to get all the essential vitamins, amino acids and minerals that your body needs through an intravenous drip immediately into your bloodstream. By bypassing your digestion system, your body gets to work straight away absorbing 100% of the essentials meaning effects are instant and last for days to come.

Depending on what your body needs, whether it’s an energy charge for your festive antics, or an immune system pick-me-up, our B12 bar offers a number of vitamin boosts which can help combat the vulnerabilities winter brings, strengthening your immune system and keep you feeling refreshed and energised during these colder months.


Vitamin B12 Injection

Vitamin B12 plays a vital role in helping your body produce red blood cells and keeping your health, wellbeing and body in tip-top condition. 

Our B12 injection gives you a natural energy shot in one hit, helping to rejuvenate your body, boost your immune and digestion system, improve physical and mental wellbeing and keeps you from overindulging in those high-sugar foods by regulating your sleep and appetite cycles. 


Immuno Booster

An effective remedy to keep the cold and flu away, our Immuno Booster IV is packed with vitamins to keep you fighting fit from the inside out. 

For peak immune performance, this IV makes sure your body absorbs 100% of all the essential vitamins and nutrients needed to keep you healthy, compared to absorbing just 40% if you were taking a supplement. 

The Energiser

The festive season, although exciting, brings with it the late nights and an increased alcohol and sugar intake which are the usual suspects for depleting energy levels this time of the year. 

Our Energiser IV is the perfect energy booster and ideal pick-me-up, by combining high doses of B vitamins and amino acids which instantly leaves you rejuvenated, fresh and ready to see through the party season. 

If you’re interested in a vitamin boost, you can book an initial consultation with Luisa to determine which course of treatment is suitable for you and help you see winter through without the flu.